1,375 research outputs found

    The History of Expansion of the Genus Bursaphelenchus (Nematoda: Aphelenchida: Parasitaphelenchidae)

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    Because of globalization and removal of geographical barriers, frequent biological invasions of introduced species become an urgent environmental problem. According to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), precise identification of dangerous aggressive species at the early stages of their invasion to new regions is the most important component of the environmental control and monitoring. To resist the potential environmental hazard, the precise data are required on the current distribution and history of expansion of pests that are of global economic importance

    Review of the genus Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (Nematoda, Aphelenchida) with some conclusions on the host-parasite and vector-parasite evolution.

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    INTRODUCTION AND GOALS: Genus Bursaphelenchus includes several pests of the world importance for the rural economy, the most dangerous are the Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (the pinewood nematode caused decline of the pine trees in south Asia and in one spot area in Europe, Portugal, Peninsula de Setubal) and the Bursaphelenchus cocophilus, causing the decline of coco-palm plantations in Carribean and Latin American regions. The peculiarity of the host-parasite association of the genus that the nematode life cycle includes three trophic components: plant (mostly a tree), insect vector and a fungus. Goals of the presentation is to list all species of the world fauna and all efficient diagnostic characters, then create the identification tool and analyze the similarity of species and possible ways and causes of the host-parasite evolution of the group. RESULTS: Complete list of species with synonymy and a catalogue of all efficient diagnostic characters with their states, selected from papers of the most experienced taxonomists of the genus, are given for the genus Bursaphelenchus. List of known records of Bursaphelenchus species with names of natural vectors and plants and their families is given (for world pests the most important groups of trees and insects are listed). The tabular, traditional and computer-aided keys are presented. Dendrograms of species relationships (UPGMA, standard distance: mean character difference) based on all efficient taxonomic characters and separately on the spicule characters only, are given. Discussion whether the species groups are natural or purely diagnostic ones is based on the relationships dendrograms and the vector and associated plant ranges of Bursaphelenchus species; the xylophilus species group (B. xylophilus, B. abruptus, B. baujardi, B. conicaudatus, B. eroshenkii, B. fraudulentus, B. kolymensis, B. luxuriosae; B. mucronatus), the hunti group (B. hunti, B. seani, B. kevini and B. fungivorus) are probably the natural ones. CONCLUSIONS: The parasitic nematode association includes three trophic components: plant, insect vector and fungus. The initial insect-plant complex Scolytidae-Pinaceae is changeable and only in rare occasions the change of the preferred vector to Cerambycidae (the xylophilus group), Hymenoptera (the hunti group) led to formation of the natural species-groups. From the analysis it is clear that although the vector range is changeable it is comparatively more important for the evolution of the genus Bursaphelenchus than associations with plants at the family level. Data on the fungi species (3rd component in natural Bursaphelenchus associations) are insufficient for the detailed comparative analysis

    Computerized key to the genus Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, analysis of species clusters based on morphology, using information of insect vectors and associated plants, with a revision of the genus.

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    The genus Bursaphelenchus includes B. xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer, 1934) Nickle, 1981, which is of world economic and quarantine importance. Distinction among several species of the pinewood nematodes species complex (PWNSC) is often difficult. Besides standard morphology, morphometrics and molecular biology, new tools are welcome to better understand this group. The computerized (or e-) key of this genus, presented in this communication, includes 74 species (complete list of valid species of the world fauna) and 35 characters, that were used by the taxonomic experts of this group, in the original descriptions. Morphology of sex organs (male spicules and female vulval region) was digitized and classified to distinguish alternative types. Several qualitative characters with overlapping character states (expressions) were transformed into the morphometric indices with the discontinuous ranges (characters of ratios of the spicule dimensions). Characters and their states (expressions) were illustrated in detail and supplied by brief user-friendly comments. E-key was created in the BIKEY identification system (Dianov & Lobanov, 1996-2004). The system has built-algorithm ranging characters depending on their diagnostic values at each step of identification. Matrix of species and the character states (structural part of the e-key database) may be easily transformed using statistical packages into the dendrograms of general phenetic similarities (UPGMA, standard distance: mean character difference). It may be useful in the detailed analysis of taxonomy and evolution of the genus and in its splitting to the species groups based on morphology. The verification of the dendrogram using the information on the species links with insect vectors and their associated plants, provided an opportunity to recognize the five clusters (xylophilus, hunti, eremus sensu stricto, tusciae and piniperdae sensu stricto), which seem to be the natural species groups. The hypothesis about the origin and the first stages of the genus evolution is proposed. A general review of the genus Bursaphelenchus is presented

    Computerized key of the genus genus Laimaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937

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    The Order Aphelenchida contains several genera of economic importance, namely Aphelenchoides and Bursaphelenchus. Nematode species belonging to these 2 genera frequently co-habit with other genera such as Laimaphelenchus. It is therefore important to clearly distinguish them, as well as understand the group´s biodiversity. A computerized, or e-key, for the genus Laimaphelenchus Fuchs has been developed in the BiKey Identification system (Dianov & Lobanov, 1996-2004). The e-key includes 14 species and 34 characters (from 2 to 6 character states each). It also includes the built-in algorithm ranging characters according their diagnostic values to minimize the number of the diagnosis steps (average number of steps is 2.7; values are re-calculated at each step). The most important characters (as calculated by BiKey) are: length of posterior branch of the female genital system; excretory pore position; vulval anterior flap shape; number pairs of mail tale papillae; male bursa shape (ventral view); number of tail tip setae in female; female tail tip stub shape; presence of mucro on tail tip in male. Key is pictorial (image-operating), multientry, as other BiKey products

    Estudo de 170 crianças soropositivas para o HIV, em seguimento clínico no Hospital Infantil Joana de Gusmão.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Clínica Médica, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 199

    On the vulval morphology of some species of Bursaphelenchus (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchinae)

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    The vulval pattern of six species of the genus Bursaphelenchus (B. abruptus, B. conicaudatus, B. fraudulentus, B. luxuriosae, B. mucronatus and B. xylophilus) was studied using scanning electron microscopy. A terminology for the vulval region structures observed is proposed herein and illustrated by micrographs and line drawings. It was shown that, of the studied species, only B. mucronatus and B. xylophilus share an identical morphology of the vulval region, all other species differing significantly from each other and from both B. mucronatus and B. xylophilus. This study indicates the diagnostic potential for variation in vulval morphology within Bursaphelenchus and it is recommended that such features are recorded in all future descriptions

    Cisco´s steady growth prevails

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    This report is part 2 of 2 of an Equity Research of Cisco, and contains the company valuation, comprised by: revenue forecast, wacc calculation, relative valuation, sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis and the final recommendation

    Estilos de parentalidade e funcionalidade familiar : O recurso à urgência hospitalar na adolescência

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    Enquadramento: Atualmente, a ciência entende que, estudar a relação pais/filhos é de uma importância vital, pois esta repercute-se no desenvolvimento dos adolescentes, quer ao nível psicossocial, quer em outras áreas de funcionamento. Tendo como pressuposto a ideia sistémica de que as transformações relacionais e sociais atuam nos seus membros, considera-se relevante analisar a perceção que os filhos têm acerca dos estilos de socialização parental. Objetivo: Analisar a influência das variáveis sociodemográficas dos adolescentes nas situações clínicas que motivaram o recurso ao serviço de urgência pediátrica; Identificar os estilos de socialização parentais e a funcionalidade familiar presente nas famílias dos adolescentes. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e transversal, de análise quantitativa realizado numa amostra de 64 adolescentes da região de Viseu, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 17 anos, e que recorreram ao Serviço de Urgência Pediátrica do CHTV,EPE. Para recolha de informação foi aplicado um questionário onde foram avaliados alguns parâmetros sociodemográficos, assim como aplicadas a escala de funcionalidade familiar de Smilkstein (1978) e a Escala de Estilos de Socialização Parental na Adolescência (ESPA29) desenvolvida por Musitu e García (2004), e validada para a população portuguesa por Nunes, Luís e Lemos (2010). Resultados: Existe uma percentagem ainda significativa de adolescentes que considera a sua família como disfuncional (9,4%) ou moderadamente disfuncional (18,8%); Nos adolescentes do sexo masculino verifica-se uma percentagem mais elevada (50,0%) do que no sexo feminino (41,0%) de vindas ao serviço de urgência pediátrica, provocadas por acidentes ou traumatismos; Na perceção dos adolescentes, a mãe demonstrou um maior grau de afeto que o pai, o qual geralmente se mostrava mais indiferente que a mãe ou até mais displicente; Conclui-se que, a generalidade da amostra, perceciona que ambos os pais se enquadram no estilo de socialização parental permissivo, caracterizando-se como sendo mais afetuosos do que exigentes. Conclusões: As evidências encontradas realçam a necessidade de se investir na formação e sensibilização dos enfermeiros sobre a importância das relações pais/filhos, nomeadamente ao nível da funcionalidade familiar e dos estilos de socialização parentais. Palavras-chave: funcionalidade familiar; recurso ao Serviço de Urgência Pediátrica; estilos de socialização parentais.Abstract Background: Currently, science believes that studying the relationship parents/children is vitally important, because this impacts the development of adolescents, whether the psychosocial level, or in other areas of functioning. Based on the assumption systemic idea that relational and social transformations act on its members, it is considered important to analyze the perception that children have about the styles of parental socialization. Objective: To analyze the influence of sociodemographic variables of adolescents in clinical situations which led to the use of the pediatric emergency department; Identify the types of parental socialization and family functionality present in families of adolescents. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, quantitative analysis performed on a sample of 64 adolescents in the region of Viseu, aged between 12 and 17 years, and that appealed to the Pediatric Emergency CHTV, EPE. To collect information a questionnaire where they evaluated a sociodemographic parameters was applied, as well as the scale of family functionality Smilkstein (1978) and the Scale of Parental Socialization Styles in Adolescence (ESPA29) developed by Musitu and García (2004) were applied, and validated for the Portuguese population by Nunes, Luis and Lemos (2010). Results: There is still a significant percentage of adolescents who consider their family as dysfunctional (9.4%) or moderately dysfunctional (18.8%); In male adolescents there is a higher percentage (50.0%) than females (41.0%) of coming to the pediatric emergency department caused by accidents or injuries; In the perception of adolescents, mothers showed a greater degree of affection to his father, which generally showed more indifferent to the mother or even more careless; We conclude that the majority of the sample perceives both parents fit the style of permissive parenting socialization, characterized as being more affectionate than demanding. Conclusions: The evidences highlight the need to invest in training and education of nurses about the importance of parent / child relationships, particularly in terms of family functioning and parenting styles of socialization. Keywords: family functioning; recourse to the Pediatric Emergency; styles of parental socialization

    Development and optimization of a methodology to synthetize chitosan/cetuximab conjugates for encapsulate siRNA and targeting to EGFR overexpressing cells

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    O uso terapêutico de Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) tem sido observado como uma potencial nova abordagem para o tratamento do cancro. O desafio-chave no campo clínico consiste na entrega de siRNA no citosol das células-alvo. Assim, vários sistemas de entrega de siRNA, tais como lipossomas, polímeros e partículas inorgânicas, têm sido desenvolvidos de forma a melhorar a eficácia terapêutica do siRNA. O nosso principal objectivo neste projeto, que deu origem a esta dissertação, foi desenvolver novos protocolos, bem como optimizar outros já existentes, para o uso na produção/síntese de conjugados de quitosano/cetuximab, de forma a utilizar estes últimos para encapsular siRNA e direccioná-los para as células que sobreexpressam EGFR. Diversos desafios foram apresentados ao longo deste processo, assim, várias foram as tentativas de produzir um conjugado viável e em concentração razoável, em diferentes proporções molares de cetuximab para quitosano. Não foram apenas os tempos de reacção uma preocupação, mas também e principalmente as concentrações dos compostos e a adição ou remoção de diferentes passos do processo foram tidos em conta. No final, um novo protocolo foi proposto. Após o desenvolvimento e optimização do novo protocolo de conjugação, a segunda linha de objectivos consistiu na análise de conjugados através de FTIR de forma a confirmar a presença de um verdadeiro novo conjugado no produto final. A quantificação proteica foi, de igual forma, determinada em pré- e pós- filtração dos produtos, uma vez que nos iria dizer, por exclusão, que se os produtos préultrafiltrados possuíssem algum material proteico que pudesse ser, estaria conjugado com o LMWChi, uma vez que se estivesse livre teria passado a membrana de filtração (membrana de 150000 MW) Finalmente, a última linha de trabalhos deste projeto consistiu no teste em células dos conjugados produzidos, recorrendo aos ensaios com MTT e LDH com o objetivo de avaliar os seus efeitos citotóxicos. Um par dos conjugados produzidos com sucesso poderão ser utilizados no futuro para encapsular siRNA, produzir nanopartículas e melhorar a eficácia terapêutica do siRNA como terapia direccionada contra o cancro do pulmão das células não XVII pequenas, ainda assim considerando que muito trabalho haverá a fazer ao nível da eficiência de encapsulação do conjugad